Looking around my garage for something to add a creative touch to. I happened upon an old corner table I've had for years. I brought it out back spent some time sanding it. I then spray painted it white, adding about three coats. I had some plain cushion I had bought from Joann's Fabrics, so I cut that into the shape of the table and put it on top. I bought some thick fabric and stapled it to the underside of the bench. I have since recovered two pillows with the same fabric. I am enjoying the look of it in the corner of my living room.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Refinishing my tired patio table!
My sad old patio table has been sitting outside in the elements for the last ten years. I finally decided to repaint it. I took the whole thing apart, sanded it, treated it with rust dissolver and another (I have no idea what it's called) chemical to make the paint stick better. Then I spray painted it with Krylon paint, three coats, and put it back together. Voila! I'm loving the fresh new color!
This is my first attempt at antiquing something. I have always loved the look. So, I decided to give it a try myself.
I found a wrought iron wall scroll at Ross. Then bought some Krylon spray paint at Wal-Mart along with 220 sandpaper. I sprayed on two coats of paint and let it dry overnight, then using the sandpaper I lightly sanded the edges, giving a slight antiqued look. I love the way it turned out and in my favorite color too!
I found a wrought iron wall scroll at Ross. Then bought some Krylon spray paint at Wal-Mart along with 220 sandpaper. I sprayed on two coats of paint and let it dry overnight, then using the sandpaper I lightly sanded the edges, giving a slight antiqued look. I love the way it turned out and in my favorite color too!
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